MetaTrader 4 (MT4)

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MetaTrader 4 (MT4)

The following video shows how to connect Journalytix™ to MT4.



Note - if you don't see the Expert Advisor "JTJournalytix" in MT4, do the following:


Close MT4 and try installing daytradr again

Contact us and tell us which version of MT4 you have. The different versions for different brokerages install in different folders, so there's a chance the installer won't catch one of the versions. That's something we can resolve really quickly.


The Jigsaw Platform Bridge™ allows daytradr to connect directly with the MT4 Platform. There is no need to set up a connection profile in connection Manager for MT4, there is also no need to download instruments for MT4


Note that the bridge to MT4 is for Trade History only.


There is no setup on the daytradr side for MT4 connectivity. It will detect that it is there automatically.


On the MT4 side, please follow these steps:

Step 1

Go to Tools -> Options -> Expert Advisors and make sure "Allow DLL Imports" is checked:




Step 2

Add the Expert Advisor "JTJournalytix" to ANY chart in MT4. It does not matter which symbol it is. This is just to run the code that will pass data to daytradr.




You will see the JTJournalytix EA is running as it will be visible in the top right hand corner of the chart.




Leave this EA and daytradr running at all times. Do not add the EA to more than 1 chart. It is not necessary.