Getting Invited

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Getting Invited

Some of you will have gotten an invitation to join Journalytix from a proprietary trading form or brokerage. Here's what you need to do to get started.




Note that for TT REST API users, your administrator may be connecting to your trade history at server level. In that case, skip steps 1-4.


Step 1 - It is of course up to you if you want to join or not.  When you click the link, you will see either a simple "Accept/Decline" window (if you are already registered on or you will see the following window.




Your username will be visible to the manager that invited you, so choose wisely (i.e. not "sexyDave"). Once you have accepted or registered follow, these steps to get going:





Step 2 - Log on to click your name in the top right and click "Account Settings" and then "Download".


Step 3 - Download the latest version of "Jigsaw daytradr", then run the downloaded installer. If you get a message from your browser during download, then click "More Info" and "Run Anyway" or "Download Anyway"


Step 4 - Once the application is installed, you need to put in your Jigsaw credentials in the options screen to enable the application. Click “File->Options” from the daytradr main window.




Step 5 - If necessary, set up your connection, Details of how to set up your connection are here: Connect to your platform/feed


Note that for CQG, you will need to ask your brokerage to enable access to “Private Label ‘Jigsaw’” on your CQG account. You will need a 2nd CQG login ($10/month) but you do not need to subscribe to market data for that login.  


For TT Rest API connectivity – contact your administrator.


Step 5 - You are now connected! Please run daytradr at all times so that you have trade history up to date.


Step 6 - To log on and see your trade history, go to: and log on with your credentials for the Jigsaw Members Site.  


After set up, go and set your Account Settings and Trade Types.


If you have any problems following these instructions, please contact us on:

SKYPE: JigsawTrading (all one word)


Or raise a ticket on the ticketing system on the Jigsaw Members Site.